Thursday, September 25, 2008

Junior Archaeologists

We checked out a couple of books on archaeology last week, and Una got the idea to set up a site for her brothers to dig in. She filled a container with dirt, buried various "treasures", set up a grid across the "site" and made a chart for them to record their finds. I was impressed!

Don't you love it when the kids school themselves and leave you out of it?

And, yes, I am aware of just how bad my daughter's hair looks by the end of a day...


  1. How exciting! My oldest daughter, now a high school art teacher, wanted to be an art historian, but soon found that in order to get good job one had to be published. She opted for teaching. She is where she should be. Thank you for this! Memories! Cathy

  2. how cool is that??!?

    Your little teacher is awesome. To guide brothers and have them enjoy it is a testement indeed!

    good work Mom--and I like the braids!


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