I would have loved to show you photos of Gemma opening her gifts, but the lighting was so poor and the photos were terrible. I have a couple to prove to her that we did indeed celebrate her third birthday, but they are few and Not Very Nice. So, I am making up for it with a show-and-tell post about her gifts.
We tend not to go overboard with the gift-giving at birthdays, especially with the younger kids. Gemma has been enjoying the things she received for her special day:
Lovely beeswax crayons (much better price than those from Stockmar), a gift from her aunt and uncle.
Another book, this one from her Oma. The illustrations are full of the most amazing details.
And yes, another book by Gyo Fujikawa. I tell you, we can look at these every day and not grow tired of them!
My main gift to her was clothing for her favorite baby, Abbie. I made a selection of mix-and-match items.
For when the weather gets cooler...I still need a pattern for itty-bitty booties. Just noticed the bonnet is wrong-way in the photo...the garter stitch goes 'round the face, of course.
This was my favorite outfit. Can you believe it, I made the dress without a pattern and without even measurements! It was risky, but it worked...the notes for the three sweaters are on my Ravelry page.
I won this adorable weather-learning set from Armadillo Dreams on Nicole's blog a while back. I was so impressed, I asked them if they would like to put their button on my sidebar. I'll be hosting a giveaway for them beginning this weekend, so stay tuned!
And finally, a special bracelet from a special friend (thank's Annita!), purchased on Etsy. Gemma loves shiny girly things!
And that's it!
It looks like she had a wonderful birthday with many wonderful gifts... especially that BEAUTIFUL bracelet! ;) Actually, I am sure she will treasure those handmade baby doll clothes one day... maybe passing them onto her children. My favorite is also the blue outfit... such a talented mama! +JMJ+