Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday Musings--23 January 2012

Right is nearly 11 a.m., so I really need to move on this!  I find it very difficult to do these Monday posts unless I start them on Sunday evening, which I didn't do.

This weekend...was a bit on the dull side, but that's just fine with me.  I can barely recall what I did, so routine were my activities.  On Friday was Sebastian's name-day, and I had had such a busy day Thursday that it completely slipped my mind.  We don't generally celebrate, other than baking some kind of treat, but since I blew it, I had Bret pick up some chocolate ice cream for dessert.

Saturday was nasty and cold and wet.  I was so tired that I kind of dragged through my chores and then tried to lie down for a little while on the sofa as Gemma and Dominic napped.  I had meant to go to the conference on Spiritual Motherhood at the Chapel of Divine Mercy, but Bret has had so little time to work on the new house now that he is back working full time, so he needed to get out there to work.  He spent the morning and part of the afternoon there, and in the late afternoon worked on our taxes.

We went again to the early Mass in Gallatin so as to be home early.  Bret's Sundays have become more valuable to him now that his free time is so limited.  The kids found various things to do, and I worked on the neckline of Adrian's sweater.  Hurray!  It is done, all but the buttons, which ought to arrive from an Etsy shop any day now.  We went to bed pretty early, which is good, as Gemma needed to be taken to the potty at 11:30, Dominic and Adrian came into our room at I-don't-know-what-time because of a thunderstorm, and Adrian was back again at 4:45 a.m. because of a bad dream.

Some plans for this week:  today I have to wash Adrian's sweater, finish a batch of butter, make an appointment with Dominic's ENT because he just days ago developed a humming in one of his ears (he has had ear tubes for a year now) and get some school work done.  On Wednesday we have to go into Nashville for a visit to Gemma's and Adrian's urologists. I also need to work on Adrian's secret birthday gift--I think I am about three quarters of the way done with it.

If I find some time for myself, I would like to...start another knitting project or two, hopefully later today.  I would hate to have to make the trip to and from Nashville without some knitting to take along!

I am grateful for...fairly good health in our family, a nice tax return due to come, the sunshine breaking through the clouds just now, fresh eggs and fresh milk and butter for breakfast.

Some prayer intentions for this week:  most especially for my dad, who is overwhelmed with health problems right now, and all tests coming up negative; for my nephew with Asperger's Syndrome, who is having a lot of problems, too, and for my sister, who is pretty worn out trying to deal with them.  I am praying that all will go well with our medical appointments and that Dominic's tinnitus will pass.

Something that makes me smile:  Gemma telling me, "You cute, Mama!"; her dancing every time she hears music; Una going by herself or with a sibling on nature walks any day that weather permits; the smell of freshly laundered sheets; Fr. George Byers and his posts from Holy Souls Hernitage. And this--Gemma looking at books in her "cozy corner":

You are always welcome to join in with your own Monday Musings...just grab the header image for your post and link back here; if you wish, you can leave a link to your post in the comments here.  Have a joyful week!


  1. Some times the slow weekends where you have to really think about what you did are the nicest. I am joining you in musing today, here is my link:

  2. She looks all snuggly! Have a good week... Annita +JMJ+


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