Right now...it is 6:30. Una is just coming in from doing her chores and I heard Sebastian's alarm clock go off. It is 39 degrees right now and cloudy. I am longing for the return of spring!
This weekend...was fairly relaxing. On Friday Bret took Gabriel and Adrian for haircuts, as their hair had gotten to a point where I didn't think I could handle the sheer amount of it. Then Bret went to St. Helen's in Glasgow, KY to look at some repair work he has been asked to do (thank you, St. Joseph!). I made blueberry pancakes for breakfast, and the kids did a little school work while I did a little cleaning and bill paying. I also ordered a couple of things for Una's birthday.
Saturday was a lovely, lazy day. Yes, I could have spent it cleaning--oh my, my workroom needs a cleaning like you wouldn't believe!--but I had a creative itch, so after starting a batch of bread dough, I first finished Gemma's vest (all but the buttons and weaving in ends), then I played around with needle felting for a while and created a rather pathetic lop-sided, lop-eared rabbit. Obviously, it takes a lot of practice to do something as nice as this. Then I pulled out paper and pen and color pencils and played around for time. Not a very productive day really, but good for the soul I think. Or maybe not. Being totally self-indulgent and playing all day might not bear much spiritual fruit either. Hm. Oh, well...
Yesterday we had a lovely Mass at the Fathers of Mercy, and afterward, while I was chatting with one of the Fathers, a friend gave Una an enormous bag of mostly spring and summer clothing, like new! Really lovely things. It made Una's week, and as soon as we got home, she had to model all the things for me. Una is the oldest girl in the family and has no sisters or female cousins to pass things on to her, so this was really great. At home we had pizza for dinner, watched a Horatio Hornblower movie (I love these!) and I put buttons on Gemma's new vest.
Some plans for this week: I really need to clean my workroom. I can't work in it at this point. I have been waiting for warm weather to return, as I have not been heating out in the school/workroom (we've been doing school in the dining room) to save on propane, but I think that I will just have to heat out there for a day and get it done. I also hope to clean the boys' rooms this week, as it removing everything from under the beds and vacuuming, and clearing out all the junk from the closet and dresser. If I don't post next week, send out a Search and Rescue team...and I want to pick up a special gift for my boy who will have surgery this week so that he has something to look forward to. Hopefully something that will keep him a little quiet (ha!) for a day or two.
If I get some time for myself, I want to...work on my very first pair of socks and cast on something easy and mindless to knit for when I am at the surgery center with Dominic on Thursday. I will have a few hours to wait there while he gets tubes in his ears and has his adenoids removed.
Special prayer intentions for this week: mainly for Dominic to have an easy and uncomplicated surgery and recovery. No problems afterward that will worry me; no infections, no bleeding, no ears seeping...I also pray for milder, drier weather so that work can continue on the house-building project. And we continue to pray for a fruitful Lent that will increase our trust in God and our love for Him.
Something that makes me smile:

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