Saturday, January 1, 2011

They didn't make it.

Staying awake until midnight, that is.  I, myself, broke with a longstanding personal tradition and did not go to bed before 10:00, but actually stayed up with Una, eating cookies, drinking mock-champagne (white grape juice and seltzer) and watching episodes of Bless Me, Father (Christmas gift from my sister and brother-in-law---thank you!) until minutes before midnight.  There was a countdown of the last 30 seconds, a quick embrace, and off to bed went this tired mama, to the sound of rain.  No parties, no carousing neighbors, no fuss.  The old year died a peaceful death, and the new year slipped into being as quietly as the Christ Child Himself slipped into the world.  Just the way I like it.

A joyful and peaceful 2011 to you!


  1. Love the way you ended your year and the way you phrased it.


    God bless!

  2. Beautifully written, Nadja. Happy New Year! (Precious picture!)

  3. Blessed, Happy New Year to all of you as well! Such a joyful, peaceful picuture.

  4. Aw so sweet hun! I love reading your blog, it fills me up with such joy!


  5. Hi, Nadja,

    This photo is so beautiful. We also had a very quiet New Year's just as I like it. My daughter grilled meat and vegetables on the grill, we drank champagne, we sat by the fire, we watched the stars through the telescope. We went to bed before midnight. I like to wake up and wish my husband Happy New Year's on a beautiful new day. My Catholic blog friend, I thought you would like to read something I wrote about santons recently on Acorn, Beth


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