Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I'm installing rubber floors...

...or clothing her in bubble-wrap!


  1. I found your blog through another one and have been following for a while. I feel your pain as a mother. One time I found my daughter in her high chair at 14mo. I know I didn't put her there and there was no one else in the house. So I put her on the floor and told her to show me how she got in there...needless to say I have since moved the high chair away from the kitchen table to the middle of the room, lest my son get any ideas. I also learned that he is capable of going down stairs on his own the other day...he was banging on the door.
    Sara @ www.skeesblog.blogspot.com

  2. Aw, so so sweet! Can't wait till I have this next baby in a few weeks, the choas and dangerous behavior amongst his/her brothers reminds me of this photo!!!

    Love your blog!


  3. What do you expect with 4 brothers who are gymnastically inclined?

  4. Aaah!!! As scary as that picture is (my heart leapt when I saw the whole set-up)... it is actually kind of adorable and hilarious. It reminds me of my little sister who was forever carting a bar stool around the house (even if you couldn't see her, you could see the top of the stool moving above the counters) to reach inaccessible and off-limits places. :)

  5. You are like me...and grabbed the camera LOL

  6. very sweet picture. you forgot to mention what exactly was so exciting outside that she NEEDED to take a look!!

  7. She climbed it because she could, not because there was anything much to see!

  8. Naughty, naughty! :) Now I know she and Marin would be partners in crime if they were together! Hope you are well. I read your "Musings," and you have a wonderful life... like a story book! +JMJ+


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