Friday, September 3, 2010

Seven Quick Takes Friday--volume 95

Yes, I am back on the blog regularly after a break.  I wish I could say that I used the time efficiently and got all sorts of wonderful things done, but, as is usual for me, I didn't tackle half of what I had hoped to.  I think I am becoming less organized or at least less driven as I get older.  I think it may be a combination of both--you know, I feel less driven to be organized...

Gemma is now walking.  She still uses a crawl now and then, but mainly to crawl over to something on which she can pull herself up to standing and then walk some more.  As usual, I feel sort of bittersweet about her milestone.  She is growing fast.  I just went through my online document file and my Ravelry favorites and deleted a bunch of infant clothing patterns I wasn't able to knit for her.

September is a month dedicated to the Blessed Mother, and it seems so full on our calender.  Today is my mother's birthday and tomorrow is the birthday of one of Bret's three sisters, Monique.  She's the owner of Hawaii's only dairy farm, Naked Cow Dairy.  Mother Teresa of Calcutta has a feast on the 5th. There is Adrian's nameday on the 8th (Mary's birthday), then my friend Cindy's birthday.  Two of my nephews have birthdays this month, too.  My dad will be visiting from North Carolina next week and we will look through our textbooks and do placement tests for spelling, and the week after school will begin in earnest.  On the 23rd is the feast of St. Padre Pio.  The Nashville Zoo will have Harvest Days (an exhibition of old-time trades and crafts) on the 25th and 26th.  I feel like I need a nap already...

We are missing Nuala, the Queen of Patch O' Dirt Farm.  She has been vacationing at the farm of a friend, where she has been introduced to an eligible young bull.  Apparently they have spent some time together, and now we are waiting for her next heat cycle.  This is our third attempt at getting her bred.  I love her dearly and cannot bring myself to think of her as so much beef in the freezer.  Maybe if we solicit donations we can open up a retirement farm for dairy cows with fertility issues.  They can join the retired laying hens to whom we already cater.

Speaking of bovines:
Surreal animated bovine choreography.  Is that creepy, or what?
(Thanks, dad--I don't know where you find this stuff...)

I am hoping we can make a trip into Bowling Green this weekend to do our shopping.  I want to stop at Hobby Lobby and pick up some craft stuff we will be needing for various art/history/science projects for the year.  I want to get some corduroy for Gemma's winter pants, too.  It is a den of temptations for me, so I have to go in with a detailed list and the determination to remain focused.  Since we do not make this trip often (going through the front of the store where there are so many breakables with Dominic the Human Tornado is too, too frightening), I must plan well.  I will be thinking of Christmas crafts as well as I make my lists.

I think we are going to do some serious cleaning today.  Dusting, windows, glass and door frames.  I will hold off of floors until Monday morning, as they are always a mess within a day or so of cleaning.  So I had best get started!

Seven Quick Takes Friday is hosted by the delightful Jennifer at Conversion Diary.


  1. It is bittersweet watching them grow! I just bought Marin some little panties like her big sisters, so I'll be ready for that milestone! (She asked to sit on the potty the other day but then was a little scared... I'll just follow her cues.)

    Gulp, I love Hobby Lobby, and if I wanted, I could WALK to it... wouldn't you be in trouble??? I was looking on-line the other day getting Christmas ideas. I have to go in with a plan, too, but I still usually buy things I did not intend to... such good sales!

    Enjoy your weekend with your dad!

    God bless +JMJ+

  2. Just remember that Hobby Lobby is closed on Sunday.

  3. Thanks, Elizabeth--we need to do all our grocery and other shopping tomorrow. Dad is coming in on Monday. Have a good weekend!


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