Monday, November 30, 2009

My Gabriel's birthday

What can I say about my Gabriel Elias? He was born in this house with just his Papa and Oma present, his two older siblings asleep in their beds. The midwife was two hours away when Gabe made his debut after 1 a.m. on the feast of St. Andrew. A blessed candle was lit, Rachmaninoff's vespers played softly, and my favorite image of the Blessed Mother and my grandmother's rosary were within reach. He came out on the third push, gave one cry, and settled down with me to wait for the midwife. Soon we were joined by my sister and her husband-to-be, the midwife's assistant, then the midwife. And then a sleepy 18-month-old Sebastian awoke and was able to meet his little "baby Gabey."

He was baptized on the feast of the Immaculate Conception when he was eight days old.

Gabriel was an easy baby. Contented, smiling, very independent. He would let anyone hold him, and played as happily on his own as with his siblings. He was my smiley little "Puddin' Cheeks". He used to just go and take a nap when he was tired, and even now will get up from a video now and then and announce that he is going to brush his teeth and go to bed. He is usually the first of the kids up in the morning.

He gave me the longest seven minutes of my life when he got lost at Wal-Mart a couple of years ago.

He is my most affectionate child, and has to be reminded that hugs and kisses are not always appropriate. He has a talent for constructing massive, perfectly symmetrical spaceships out of Mega Blocks and has the most infectious giggle of all the kids.

Gabriel Elias, you are a beam of sunshine to me. Your smile lights up my heart. I love you dearly, sweetie, and although I want to know what you will be like as a man, I am clinging for all I'm worth to the boy you are right now.

Happy birthday from your Mama.


  1. What a lovely birth story! Thanks for sharing and a very happy birthday to your precious boy...

  2. Happy birthday to your sweet Gabe!

  3. A late happy birthday to Gabriel.

    Hugs to you


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