Thursday, September 3, 2009

Small Successes Volume 33

1) I managed to keep the kids on track with school for the second week in a row.

2) I did this averaging 5 hours of sleep--interrupted sleep--per night.

3) I laid out plans for feast days for the month ahead.

4) Bonus--got to the library and got the books I will need for geography and history next week.

So much left undone this week! Menu plans are an absolute necessity, I find, and I need to get some in place. My cooktop is looking pretty gross, and I need to make yogurt and laundry soap. I have to cut Sebastian's hair again and iron a pile of clothes.

At least I am keeping up with the diapers.

Now head on over to Faith and Family Live for some other Small Successes.


  1. Its funny, my bathroom can filthy and I'll have a pile of dishes in the kitchen but the diapers are always done. I don't know why, it just happens that way.

  2. I loved your September plans, they were terrific:)

  3. What a great list!! Anything that seems small is SO much bigger than we think it is. Sorry I'm late once again reading, but thanks for inspiring me this weekend :) God Bless!


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