I could not imitate our Blessed Mother and give God my "fiat" if I did not have her for my intercessor and mediatrix. I wouldn't have the courage. But with such a Mother, how could I fail to trust?
In the moments when I feel fearful of the Father's judgement, I turn to my Mother. Our relationship has taken time, and I can clearly remember that at the beginning of my conversion, this relationship was most difficult. I had some concept of a creator, and I could understand the divinity and humanity of Christ, but Mary was difficult for me to fathom, in part because my relationship with my own mother had been strained during my adolescence and teen years, even into my twenties. But now I wish with all my heart to give myself in service to the Queen.
My relationship w/ my mom (my earthly one) has been a little rocky here and there as well. Which has made me cling to my heavenly mother, time and again. I don't know what I'd do w/out her support, example, and prayers! She is my queen too! love M