Saturday, August 22, 2009

The "Maria-Pillar"

Munich is a city dedicated to the Blessed Mother, as is the whole of Bavaria. Her image is everywhere, most notably in the heart of the city in the pedestrian zone, atop a tall pillar. Growing up here, even though I was raised without any religion, I was surrounded by the trappings of Catholicism at its very richest. I have no doubt that being raised in this city had much to do with my eventual conversion.


  1. I didn't know that about Munich. Or Bavaria. How cool!

  2. I never knew this. I always thought of Germany as Protestant. I taught myself some German and did a year in high school - remember having to give a speech on Weinachten ins Deutschland.

  3. you don't say....what a great place to be raised! lucky you. so glad you became a catholic!


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