Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Yes, they are blue...

...but they aren't for my baby, they are for Dakota, who was born a couple of months too soon to friends of ours. Cute, aren't they?


  1. Those are darling! I bow to your supreme craftiness!

  2. AAAWWWEEEE--very cute indeed--they will be even cuter on the little guy--blue things need a baby inside to achieve maximum sweetness....pink however.... congrats on being able to pick up pink again now too :D

  3. i love tiny things. it doesn't matter what color they are....

  4. so you are naming baby in the tum gemma? did you just put that up? that is such a beautiful name. i went to school with a girl named gemma and she was so pretty. she had really long hair...what a lovely, lovely name!

  5. I've actually been waiting to use Gemma since I was pregnant with Sebastian! St. Gemma Galgani was so lovely, too...

  6. Too too cute. Brings back bitter sweet memories of all the teeny tiny things that Nick and Andrew had as 3lb preemies - the little hats don't even go on an orange! I still have them - cannot bear to ever part with them.

  7. It's funny you should say that, Marilyn...there is actually an orange modeling the hat for me in that photo!

  8. Little bitty hats and little bitty booties mean little bitty people, and I just love new people!

    And my hat's off to you for making these, because try as I might, all I could ever manage was a so-so chain stitch.


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