Monday, March 23, 2009

Outside my window…52 degrees and dark at 5:25. No birds singing yet, but I can hear Nuala's cowbell when I open the window.

I am thinking…about a number of things! My mind is quite a jumble. Una seems to have symptoms of asthma, but a doctor said, no, he thinks it's allergies. Allergy meds don't do a thing, so I need a second opinion. I'm thinking about the pretty, baby-girl hand-me-downs from my friend Cindy and how much fun Una will have looking at them. I'm thinking of some of the lovely women this blog has put me in touch with, and how much I appreciate that living in such a rural area and having so little contact with other Catholic homeschooling mothers.

I am thankful for…a little more baby-movement this morning! She was so still yesterday that I called the midwife. She told me to eat and then lie down on my left side. I did feel some movement after that, but not enough to make me feel at ease.

From the kitchen...Muffin Monday, and it will be Banana muffins this morning (I think I'll have Una bake them today). Plans for dinner are a pork stir-fry. I also have to make butter and yogurt today.

I am creating…a pink baby sweater with yarn from Elizabeth. I meant it to be newborn size and used smaller needles, but it looks like it will be 3 to 6 months after all!

I am reading…In the morning after prayer I just began reading Keep It Simple: The Busy Catholic's Guide to Growing Closer to God. It's rather depressing in a humbling way. I see how much I put before God during my day, how very little I give to Him. Lent, however, is of course the best time for a little humility. Because I have put aside bedtime reading in favor of knitting, I still have not finished Ina May's Guide to Childbirth and Heart & Hands.

I am hoping…to finally finish the kitchen this week! I don't know about the pantry, as the curriculum list for the conference and a huge pile of math papers to correct will have to take precedence.

I am hearing…Nothing! thank goodness. Dominic shuffled out here at 5:00 and I was fortunate enough to shuffle him back to bed. I would not be happy with him awake right now!

A few plans for the rest of the week…I mentioned the curriculum list and kitchen. I also need to look for a few birthday gifts online for Una, catch up with the math papers and tackle some mending if I can. It is growing to frightening proportions.

The children are...Still asleep. Alleluia.

A picture thought: Will the real Capitaine Crochet please stand up? (Not my photo, BTW--I stumbled upon it on Google)!

Visit Peggy at the Simple Woman for more Daybook entries. And have a great week!


  1. oh my! that picture is SOOOO stinkin' funny. i cannot stop laughing. and here i was going to write something nice and sweet....
    well, anyway, will be praying for you and baby. i know how stressful that can be. remember-"Jesus, i trust in You." that little one could not be in better hands and as hard as it is-our children don't really belong to us. i learned that a LONG time ago. but it doesn't hurt to ask for help and protection for the little ones placed in our care.

  2. WHERE did you find that photo?!

    It is screamin' hilarious!

  3. See what can happen if you let your needlework addiction get out of hand?

  4. Now THAT is some seriously crazy crochet!! You have to admire his courage...I don't suppose anyone will bother him on the bus!


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