Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I Will Not Bend

The wall thermometer in the hall is reading 84 degrees, and I have not put the air conditioner on yet this year. I know that it will be Bret who is the first to break down and turn it on. I try to go with the ceiling fans for as long as I can, and the children don't seem to notice much...they play out in temperatures that would make me drop. Honestly, there is a good breeze outside, and the windows are open, so it really isn't too bad. Only that I hate cooking in the summer...personally, I could live off salads and fruit and cheese all summer, but that won't do for Bret and the kids.

Yesterday Gabriel rode his bike without the training wheels for the first time. It's funny how I had to teach Una, but I haven't had to teach Sebastian or Gabriel. I am exceedingly grateful for that, as at the age of 44 I feel less inclined to run along beside his bike than I might have 10 years ago.

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