Sunday, June 24, 2012

At random

I am feeling rather overwhelmed with all that is on my "To Do" list.  Quite a lot is school related; for one, I school pretty much year 'round so as to be able to take off when we want or need to.  For another, planning for Una's high school years is new and daunting. 

My baby is turning three next month...
 The constant in-and-out of the kids in summer means more laundry and a dirtier house.  I feel tense about Bret not having time to work on the new house, and when he does have time, I am tense about the paid hours he is losing at the cabinet shop.

 Tense, but not anxious.  I have been really reminding myself that God is with me, that He cares, and that He doesn't actually want me to lose my mind.  All I can do is what I can, and the rest lies with Him.  All that is required is that I try to do my best, and if that is less than perfect, or even quite poor, so be it.  That's what I always tell the kids, anyway.

The things that really need to get done, always do, don't they?  I don't mean the things we think need to be done, but those that really do: mailing a utility check (even if late); feeding the kids; getting to the dental appointment...It's a matter of priorities, really.

I am trying to keep priorities in order.


  1. Believe it or not, I know I will actually remember this... "He doesn't actually want me to lose my mind." That jumped out at me. You are right, things have a way of working out, getting done... but it is easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of life.

    Oh, and my baby is turning four on Tuesday... we're having the big family party today. She's so excited... really bittersweet for Mama. Happy Sunday! Love, Annita +JMJ+

  2. Hi!
    Image of web is beautiful! :)


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