Monday, March 8, 2010

While waiting at the doctor's...

...for 2 hours and 40 minutes with a very sick, snotty and feverish baby, I
1) prayed a rosary,
2) counted 82 12"x12" tiles down the hallway,
3) walked at least a mile up and down the aforementioned hallway,
4) investigated the contents of my purse/diaper bag,
5) wished I had some gum,
6) found a tube of A & D ointment,
7) conditioned my hiking boots with the ointment,
8) wished I had some change for the vending machine,
9) thanked God that Gemma was sleepy and had no appetite,
10) was grateful to live in a country with medical care.

Gemma is pretty ill, but I am hoping that it is not viral and that the antibiotics help her get well soon.  The doctor seemed to think that it might be an infection of some sort.

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