Friday, February 26, 2010

Seven Quick Takes Friday--volume 70 1/2

Gemma has a moderately clear nose and her diaper rash and eczema are just about history.  I did have to dab on a few spots of hydrocortisone for the last couple of stubborn spots on her neck, but it did the trick.  Now Sebastian has a cold.  This has not been an especially fun winter, but hey, no swine flu, right?  

We are falling into our usually February homeschooling doldrums around here, and so although we are still schooling and trying to get the core stuff done, we are also taking more time to watch educational videos, read library books, listen to books on tape and not sweat it.  My new motto is, "As long as the kids are learning something, we're okay."

It is still so darned cold here.  We have a couple of chances for snow this week.  February is also my, "I've Had It With Winter" month.  Whatever charms winter held in December and January are faded from memory now.  I just want to smell green things coming out of the soil now, and feel a warm breeze...

Living in a media void is funny.  I have questions, like "Are the Olympics still going on?" 

We checked out this book from the library this week and the boys can't get enough of it.  They think it's hysterically funny.  This one isn't bad, either.  I'll admit it:  I am a total ham and love to read these books using various voices and accents. 

Fiona is kicking up her heels and racing around the pasture, and Naomi is looking on--nervously, perhaps?  I love the way Jersey calves look so much like fawns...

This has been my shortest Quick Takes ever!  Since it's Lent, I think it's for the best...

Now go on over to Jennifer's Conversion Diary, where she is doing battle with a stomach bug in the family, and check out more Quick Takes!

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