Monday, March 16, 2009

Outside my window…60 degrees and drizzling, still dark at 5:20, of course.

I am thinking…how poorly I have "done" Lent this year thus far. There are so many temporal concerns and duties right now, and I have been so ungenerous with God, Who has been so generous with me. I can't escape to a hermitage and make the world disappear until Easter, so I will try at least to direct my intentions toward God more frequently throughout the day.

I am thankful for…dear women like Elizabeth. She saw my blog entry moaning about wanting to knit for the new baby girl and not having yarn, and yesterday her mother brought me two skeins of silky, soft, PINK yarn in a gift bag after Mass. I was so touched!

From the kitchen...Muffin Monday, and it will be Pumpkin Muffins this morning. Plans for dinner are Chicken Enchiladas made with leftovers from Saturday's roast chicken (I roasted two, or there would have been no left-overs!

I am creating…a cotton dishcloth, which I began on the way to Mass in my desperate desire to knit something! I will likely put it aside so that I can begin a baby sweater this week.

I am reading…In the morning after prayer I just began reading Keep It Simple: The Busy Catholic's Guide to Growing Closer to God. Before bed I am still reading Ina May's Guide to Childbirth and Heart & Hands.

I am hoping…to get something accomplished this week! It seems I am doing little more than just keeping up with meals, school and laundry, and there are dozens of other things that need to be done. My floors need washing, and I need to get a curriculum list together!

I am hearing…Nothing! Which is better than what I heard when I was praying in the livingroom this morning: a mouse scratching about in the wall not a foot away from me! Time to set more poison up in the attic, which is where they tend to live and breed...

A few plans for the rest of the week…I mentioned the curriculum list and floors. I also need to get some Easter shoes for Una, catch up with correcting a stack of math papers and begin the ordeal of cleaning my kitchen and pantry!

The children are...Still asleep. Before Daylight Savings Time, Gabriel was always up by this time (5:45 a.m.).

A picture thought: Una decided she really wanted to get her hair cut, too. She'd only had it trimmed twice since birth, so I was a little hesitant, but it looks great and she no longer has to de-tangle and braid it before bed. About 14 inches were donated to Locks of Love. Find more Simple Woman entries at Peggy's

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