Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday Musings--1 October 2012

Right now:  6:00 and it is still dark and raining.  I heard Una's alarm go off, but she hasn't appeared yet (no doubt trying to avoid going out in the chill rain to feed the barn cats and chickens).  It is the feast of her confirmation saint, Therese of Liseaux, and the first day of October--the month of the Holy Rosary.

This weekend...Bret went out for the day to some sort of tactical shooting thing on Saturday, and I did housework, took out some of the autumn clothing and put away some of the summer things, and worked a bit on the rosary I am making for Adrian's First Holy Communion.  I even managed to knit for a little while as we watched some Dr. Who from Netflix.

Yesterday we went to Mass and ended up hanging out afterwards for quite a while with new friends.  They are moving to a home that will be about 15 minutes from where we are building the new Patch O' Dirt Farm, so that's pretty exciting.

Some plans for this week: seeing as Adrian is having his first Holy Communion on Sunday, all the time not spent on school this week will be spent in preparation.  I want to do some serious seasonal house cleaning, tidy up the abysmal mess in my work room and do some cooking and baking.  We also have to make a run into town for groceries (didn't go this weekend) and to find a new white shirt for Adrian--I spotted a stain on the only one I have in his size.

If I find some time for myself, I would like shouldn't be too much of that this week, but I am always looking for a few minutes to read, write or knit!

I am grateful for...cooler weather; new friends for our family; good, orthodox priests; homeschooling.

Some prayer intentions for this week: for the eldest son of my friends in PA, whose birthday is today; for Annette, who should be having her second baby some time this week; for our second cow--the one we aren't milking, as she has a calf--Fiona, whom Bret discovered has a pretty bad case of mastitis in one quarter.  We are hoping she doesn't lose that quarter.  For Adrian, that he get over his First Communion jitters (he asked yesterday if we could postpone the sacrament!); for employment for Bret and some orders for the Etsy shop--this time last year we had loads of pre-Halloween orders, and very little is going on this year.  For the elections...not far off now...

Something that makes me smile:  pizza al fresco.


  1. I did the wardrobe switch out this past weekend. I just dread/hate doing it! However, it feels great that the closets and drawers are all nice and tidy (for a few days at least). Have a good week... love the picture of the kids! +JMJ+

  2. Oh, I just love seeing all those brothers together! Such a blessed, blessed sight. Hope and pray all turns out well with Fiona - asking the intercession of St. Francis and St. Brigid!


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