Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday Musings--21 May 2012

Right now...I am running behind after writing a couple of emails and getting sidetracked on!  It is mild and overcast this morning--likely good weather for transplanting my poor, pitiful, chewed up tomato plants.

This weekend was...not too eventful, although busy enough.  Bret went out to the property in KY to get a little work done on the house.  He worked on the roof all day Saturday, and when he came home at dinnertime, he looked pretty wiped out.  Sweaty, disheveled and limping from a sore knee.  My day had been full of laundry, making butter, working on some watercolor sketchbooks and cleaning out the bathroom closet.

We went to an early Mass on Sunday.  Bret had hoped to work some more on the house, as he has had so little time to work on it lately.  Well, the Mass ran a bit long (there were First Holy Communicants present), Father needed to talk to him about a credence table after Mass, we needed to get some groceries, and by the time all of that was done and we got home, he felt that he wouldn't get much done on the house, so he worked on a few other things around here instead.  I put away groceries and had a burst of kitchen energy:
I had planned shredded pork sandwiches for dinner, and then I made cole slaw, corn on the cob, lemonade and an almond cake for desert.  In the evening, we put on one of our Horatio Hornblower movies and I knit...or rather, un-knit.  I feel as though I have ripped back twice as much as I've knit on this sweater.  Is it possible to have a knitting deficit?

Some plans for this week:  finish cleaning out the bathroom closet (it is a big closet!); wash windows; transplant tomatoes, report the kids' grades to their umbrella school (I don't really grade the kids, but the umbrella school requires something).  I need to print out a planning sheet for Una's 9th grade year and begin to really consider what I am going to purchase and what online resources I will use this year.

If I find some time for myself, I would like to...try to get somewhere on my knitting, make a card for a very wonderful deacon who is to become a priest in a couple of weeks, put together a list of ideas for some upcoming birthdays and maybe get started on a skirt for Una.

I am grateful for...the work Bret was able to get done on the house and the help of our friend Travis; having the money to get another vacuum pump for the milking machine, since ours just broke down; the fact that Sebastian has become such an able hand-milker (and I think Nuala has accepted him as Primary Milker--she stands better for him than for Bret now); I am grateful for the property we are building on, and am eager to be there so I can begin the Great Homesteading Project!

Some prayer intentions for this week:  That my whole family stay healthy and energetic, by the grace of God, so that we have the strength for the aforementioned project; for divine guidance on planning Una's high school years; for a peaceful and productive week.  We are also praying a Novena for Pentecost this week.

Something that makes me smile:  flowers from my sweet baby boy...

Have a blessed week!


  1. Wishing you a happy and productive week! +JMJ+

  2. I too wish you a happy and productive week. I also want to congratulate you. I am nominating you for the Versatile Blogger Award. I love reading your blog and I find it inspiring. All you have to do to accept the award is to follow the link and follow the directions. God Bless.


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