Friday, December 2, 2011

{this moment}: the first morning of December

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.  Hosted by SouleMama.


  1. Oh my, looks like December arrived beautifully... wonderful photo

  2. Lovely! David's been in Canada since Sunday... would you pray for his safe return today? Happy weekend! Love, Annita +JMJ+

  3. Just gorgeous! How this picture makes me long to move back to a small town, country life even more than I already was! Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful moment!

    Our moment is up and comes from a lovely, end of November walk with some of our dearest friends! Sadly, I forgot my camera (I still don't know how that happened) but thankfully my friend Emily had hers and she captured this lovely moment!

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Wow! beautiful photo! just visiting from soulemama!

  5. Absolutely stunning. What a great day to welcome this special month : )

  6. All week long that early morning sun was begging me to capture it...thanks for listening.

  7. Oh, that's glorious! Beautiful. Your peaceful sunrise moment goes well with my "fire in the sky" sunset moment ;)


  8. Such an amazing site. What a wonderful moment to savor.

  9. That's truly beautiful. I always thought simple country scenes were the loveliest things the eye could see. :)

  10. What a beautiful photograph.
    Happy weekend to you.

  11. Oh. My. That view is a gift. A real gift. What a lovely welcome to the month of December.

    Visiting from SouleMama. Here's our moment:

  12. Wow. What a beautiful picture! Just happened upon your blog. I am one of your newest followers. :) I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


  13. Oh Wow!!! What a heartstopping view!
    Glorious beauty to behold. You are truly blessed :)

  14. oh, my dear, you've captured perfection! Absolutely adore your moment.

  15. I used a paste of baking soda with white vinegar and leave on till dry then wash off. This is the only thing that worked for my grandson,after 3 different medicines from the doctor.It takes a bit of time but it's not toxic. We waited for the medicine from the doctor to work and my grandson's hair fell out.

  16. What a glorious moment Nadja. Do you sometimes wonder if heaven really is on earth? Thanks for sharing. Have a beautiful weekend. Jacinta x


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