Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Perfect day

We spent the better part of Saturday out in Red Boiling Springs, TN, for "How'd Dey Do Dat Day".  There were all sorts of demonstrations in various old-timey occupations and crafts, and we ate our picnic lunch under the shade trees and listened to the bluegrass music being played.  Una learned how to card wool and spin it with a drop spindle, and was told that if she got good at it, she could return next year to demonstrate! Very exciting for her, and me, I am fantasizing about owning sheep...

I spent a lot of time with the beekeeper, and found that he lives only a few miles from where we are building our house in Kentucky.  He told me there is a beekeeping class coming up in February.  I plan to be there.

I think the boys had the most fun with the old hand-cranked corn sheller and grist mill.  They literally spent most of our time there taking turns cranking.  Boys seem to like to crank stuff, don't they?

It wasn't too hot (unless, like Una, you spent the whole time sitting in the sun carding and spinning!), and it wasn't too crowded (I lost Dominic several times, but I always found him or he found us), and I really look forward to going again next year.


  1. I really enjoy reading your blogs. Your lifestyle entrigues me, though I'm sure it's just everyday life to you. I think country living is a awesome way for kids to grow up.

  2. Love the pictures and the kind words. Your being at our Grandpa's House was a blessing to us.

    Grandpa's House
    RBS, TN

  3. Love the pictures from Saturday. Hope Una keeps her interest in spinning as we can provide all the wool she'll ever need!! Great meeting you all and can't wait to see you there next year.

  4. That sounds like so much fun. Maybe next year we can go too.

    And Pippa has the same shirt as Una, though in her case it isn't particularly accurate. :)

  5. Perfect day sounds just right. I love country shows.


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