Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday Morning Musings March 1st, 2010

Although I have enjoyed the Simple Woman's Daybook at the beginning of each week for quite a while now, I find that it is a bit too lengthy (my fault--I can't say anything in just a few words!) and that there is so much that I tend to repeat from one week to the next.  Also, Peggy has moved it to Tuesdays, and I really want to do a quick thing at the beginning of each week, so (blast of trumpets here) I am coming up with my own thing for Monday mornings.  When Lent is over, I may add a widget in order to let others join in if they feel so inclined. I may be altering the categories a bit over time.

Right now...I feel groggy.  Gemma still nurses every two hours!  It's dark and chilly, and I can't wait until spring, when I can leave the windows open overnight and hear the birds in the morning!

This past weekend...was busy!  We moved the two older boys into what was our playroom, as they were really getting to the point where they resented having to go to bed with the little guys, and with Gemma eventually moving out of our bedroom, the boys' room was getting pretty crowded.  Getting the bunk-beds out of the boys' room and down the hall to the playroom, and a nine-foot sofa out of the playroom, down the hall and into the little boys' room was quite a job for Bret and the kids.  My part was moving clothes from one place to another.  It's done, and the big boys' room still needs some touches to make it nice, but I think it will work out.

Also, Gemma's diaper rash has returned, although it seems that we are keeping the eczema in check.  I am wondering if I will be able to use cloth diapers at all, as I am contemplating keeping a thick layer of Desitin on her bottom at all times, and that would really mess up the diapers.  If you have a suggestion, email me!

Some plans for this week:  I know it is early, but March has me looking forward to spring!  I'm thinking about getting our raised beds ready for tomatoes and herbs, and maybe I can talk Bret into banging together a quick cold frame or two for some early lettuces.  I need to sit down and make a series of lists.  Everything from fruit trees and shrubs to be ordered, down to spring chores.  I want to come up with a perpetual calender of things that need to be done on the farm and in the house each year...

If I can find some time for myself, I want on the sweater for my sister's soon-to-arrive baby girl. I want to make hats and booties for the baby, too, and some preemie-sized ones for Madeline.   I also want to knit up some more cotton bibs for Gemma. 

Special prayer intentions:  for my sister and her baby; for Madeline, who is now over 3lbs and is doing well in spite of some real problems with reflux; for Elizabeth D. and her family.  For my own family, I am praying that Lent will end with us all having grown a bit closer to God.  And I am praying that I will feel ready to let Gabriel make his first confession during Lent.

Something that makes me smile:  lots and lots of milk from our newly freshened cow; Una working on her Nature Journal, Adrian singing to himself in his funny, husky little voice, and this guy:
                         He drives me nuts, he is so hyper and loud, but his goofiness in infectious!

Here's wishing everyone a happy, productive week with lots of smiles!

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