Monday, December 21, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook for 21 December 2009

Outside my window…6:13. There's a glittering frost on the yard. Can't wait for the sun to come up so I can see it sparkle.

I am thinking…what everyone else is: only a few days left until Christmas! Can one think of anything else?

I am thankful for…diminishing colds in our family; the fact that my kids are still children and all living at home; friends--my gosh, I haven't a huge circle of friends, but the ones I have are priceless. (Cindy V., I don't know what good I've done in my life to deserve you as a friend, but I am indeed thankful!)

From the kitchen...Who knows? They can eat sugar out of the sugar bin with a spoon, as long as they let me get things done around here! Okay, I'm just kidding...

I am creating…Can you believe I still have a few presents to make? I am putting Gemma's second pair of longies on hold until after the 25th.

I am reading ...lots and lots of Christmas and winter-themed books.

I am have a clean house for Christmas. My kids groan and tell me that since we aren't having company other than family, it isn't important. I tell them that the Divine Infant is coming, and we should make our home ready to receive Him.

I am hearing…nothing. Not a thing. The calm before the storm, no doubt.

A few plans for the rest of the week: baking three types of cookies so that I can be done with it and start making up bags and trays to give as gifts. I have three gifts to make if I can. I want to get my workroom cleaned up, because it looks like a hurricane struck it. I am still trying to get some cards mailed out. I am wondering what the kids will wear for Mass...

I am praying...for my friends, those near and those I've made through blogging, and for their families. For my dad, and for a year of hope for all those who have suffered tragedies or hardship in their families in 2009. Less importantly, I am praying that Gemma will get days and nights straightened out. She's 5 months old, for crying' out loud! I'm still nursing her nearly every two hours at night because she only sleeps attached to my bosom, although she can go for 5 or 6 without nursing during the day! Consequently, like the mother of a newborn, I am getting very little sleep...

Picture Thought: Click on the snowflake poster below to see an enlarged image. How can anyone not believe in God? I mean, these are ice crystals which live for only a moment and for the most part are seen by no one but their Creator. What perfection! I frequently am in disbelief over the fact that I am 46 years old, as nature has lost none of it's wonder for me, and my heart still leaps at the thrill of a lit up, decorated Christmas tree. May you all be filled with child-like wonder, too, this Christmas.There are more Daybook entries to be read at Peggy's. Enjoy!


  1. JMJ

    Now who's making who cry? I could say the same. God has truly blessed me.

    Love and prayers,
    Cindy V.

  2. Nice post, Nadja. Our invitation is still good for your dad. We will at the very least keep him in our Christmas prayer intentions

    Peace, love, and joy!

  3. Lovely Day Book!

    "...are for the most part seen by no one but their creator"

    I've nver thought about that before. Isn't it Jen from Conversion Diary that talks about the "humility of God?" That's what it makes me think of. God is making them so beautiful, not to show off, but for the sheer joy of it.


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