Friday, August 7, 2009

Seven Quick Takes Friday--Volume 45

I am afraid to breathe it, but Gemma has been sleeping well for three nights now. I have been able to catch a four-hour stretch at the start of each night as she settles into the co-sleeper. After that, however, her sleep is more erratic and she rests tucked under one of my arms or the other, nursing every two hours. This isn't too bad, except for the fact that I wake up with a stiff neck every morning.

With regards to Miss Gemma, she is the first baby I have had that does not poop at every nursing. In fact, I think we are going on day five or six since her last poop. Whether she is doing this out of respect for the cloth diapers I so lovingly wash for her, I don't know. I look at her skin color unable to discern whether the slight golden tint of it is due to a remaining hint of jaundice, or whether my darling baby is just up to her golden-tinted eyeballs in poop. In any case, the suspense is killing me, and I am praying she will finally release her bowels before we head to Mass on Sunday.

I am really enjoying reading to the kids. Right now I am reading Nancy Farmer's Sea of Trolls. I love to use different voices for the various characters, and it has been a blast making up voices and accents for Viking berserkers and trolls and such. I'll be sad when the book is finished.

Is it shallow of me to ask God to let me keep my, um, nursing bosom? I mean, He hasn't honored my request in the past, and I doubt He will do more than snicker good-naturedly this time around as well, but I really enjoy having a top to balance out my bottom. I mean, my regular cup-size is "Near A". I am not making this up; I have to order my bras online to get the right fit. If it wasn't for nipples showing through clothes, I wouldn't need a bra at all normally. After all, would you wear shoes if you didn't have feet?

If you read my post yesterday, you know that I am trying to cultivate joy and peace in my home. The odds are against me. I have four boys with temperaments only slightly better than the Vikings I am reading about, and the activity and noise level in this house is frequently more than I can bear. Top that off with my dear husband's booming voice when the kids fail to listen, and you have a distinct lack of peace and joy. Not sure what to do about this. Why am I the only one in this family who is sensitive to noise?

In a classic display of Postpartum Brain, I canceled my debit card last weekend after noticing what I swore up and down was an unauthorized purchase on my bank statement. Monday came, and a call to the bank established the fact that the purchase was indeed my own. It was my online HSLDA renewal. Wondering how others deal with snitching in their homes. On the one hand, I do need to know when someone is breaking the house rules; on the other, I want them to feel a sense of fellowship, brotherhood, camaraderie. Instead of sticking up for one another, they seem to never miss an opportunity to rat on one another. "Mamaaaaaaa! So-an-so said he's going to get a Roman Candle and blow up my bike tires!" "Mamaaaaaa! So-and-so is blowing bubbles in his chocolate milk with the straw!" It is wearing me down.

In a classic display of Postpartum Brain, I canceled my debit card last weekend after noticing what I swore up and down was an unauthorized purchase on my bank statement. Monday came, and a call to the bank established the fact that the purchase was indeed my own. It was my online HSLDA renewal. Oops.

Now go visit Jen over at Conversion Diary and read some other Seven Quick Takes


  1. Numbers 6 and 7 ARE a classic demonstration of postpartum brain! LOL

    As far as cup size I know wherof you speak! except my skin did not shrink back down when the rest of me did. :D As far as what we used to call "nippin out"?--you don't need a bra-band-aids work fine! LOL

    Use your troll voice on tattlers! I get after a tattler when it is apparent they are tatteling in a "go get 'em Mama" way--if it a "something bad is happening and someone might get hurt come help" kind of way I thank them. SOmetimes when it is especially frivolous I whine back at them "so and so is whining and tatteling at me again..." It is really mind-numbing when you don't keep it under control isn't it? I crack down and then relax and it ratchets back up again--kind of the same cycle I have with the buying and eating of chips!

  2. O.k., I love the foot thing, and the only tattle recommendation I have is that I tell the kids that if they are trying to get the other in trouble it's tattling, otherwise probably not (although equally frustrating and irritating to me, sometimes) -- but I don't know that it even works for us.

    But the kicker, the most beautiful thing I've seen all day, is when you posted about postpartum brain -- twice. You're my new hero.

  3. Okay, I was going to edit out the first Postpartum-Brain post. I was trying to remove it from six and bring it to seven, so that the last item would be that. And I forgot to delete the one on six because my bickering boys got me distracted. but yes, that is classic Postpartum-Brain...Might even call me the Postpartum Poster Girl...Anyway, I decide to leave it just as it is to prove to you how terrible a shape I'm in!

  4. O Nadja, I justlove you! You just crack me up! Maybe I could ask God the same "bosom request" - now that my tummy has gone, you can actually see my chest!! Love the foot analogy!!!

    The double posting has me giggling too - I am still doing much of the same kind of thing.


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