I am thinking…about expenses, unfortunately. The next few months promise to be expensive, and resources are few. Jesus, I trust in You!
I am thankful for…the generosity of so many. Thanks to friends and family, I have hand-me-downs to last the baby through the first 9 months, and I even have quite a bit for beyond that. Other than the diapering stuff, the baby's material needs will be few.
From the kitchen...Blueberry muffins and vanilla yogurt.
I am creating…nearly done with Dominic's pullover. I just have a drawstring to make for the hood. I have begun knitting a wool soaker for the baby from a vintage pattern.
I am reading… I am having a hard time reading lately. Part of it is lack of time, and part lack of concentration. Knitting is easier because I can think and knit simultaneously.
I am hoping…for a couple of decent nights of sleep! This morning, like most others, Adrian woke me at 3:25, and I lay there trying to get back to sleep...then Dominic woke me at 4. Since I have been rising at 4:30 for years, it is impossible to get back to sleep at that point. And 5-6 hours is not enough for an old pregnant lady!
I am hearing…birds. And Nuala's cowbell as she chews.
A few plans for the rest of the week…Una and I are headed to a Mother-Daughter Retreat with the Sister Servants of the Eternal Word this weekend, so I have a lot to do before then. Today it's laundry, butter, bills and the checkbook.
The children are...sleeping! After waking me up! The nerve...! Una is at her first slumber party. All home-schooled girls her age. It was so cute: she called at 8:30 to say goodnight to her brothers. Adrian had asked where she was and said he missed her. I miss her, too!
A Picture Thought: I am feeling a pair of these kicking around in me all the time! I can't wait to actually see them!

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