Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Starting Over...

I began a blog on Zoomshare just for friends and family, so that they could keep up with the goings on in our family, but I just didn't have time to keep it up and haven't done anything with it in about a year. Blogger looks easier to use and far more attractive to view. I doubt I will be posting too frequently; my hope is to post at least once a week, but with homeschooling, cooking, cleaning and crafts, I wonder if perhaps I am biting off more than I can comfortably chew.

The the kids are just about finished with the school year, and I need to look through the materials for the coming year. Una will be starting fifth grade, Sebastian will be in second, and Gabriel will start first. And I will be losing my mind trying to teach them and entertain a three year old and a 22-month old.

Nuala, our Jersey, is to calve in August. This means we begin drying her off next week. I am not looking forward to having to purchase milk at the store. We generally go through seven gallons a week, for drinking, making yogurt, sour cream and butter. I will not be buying that much. We will have milk for the kids' cereal, and otherwise use powdered for cooking. I have enough butter in the freezer to last 6 months, so that won't be a problem.

I really have very mixed feelings about having a blog. On the one hand, I really want to be able to share with friends and family, and maybe a few like-minded people. On the other, I detest wasting time on the computer when I could be doing something productive. I like the computer as a tool, but I feel guilty when I use it merely for entertainment. We'll see how it goes. If I can keep it from growing into a monster, perhaps it will actually serve a purpose.

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