
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Yarn Along--one down, five to go

Joining Ginny at Small Things once again for her weekly Yarn Along.  So much fun to see what everyone is reading and knitting, and so many great book suggestions and yarn and pattern ideas.  I always come away with list of things I absolutely must knit or read!

Well, I finished Sebastian's Henley in the nick of time, weaving in the ends while watching an episode of Christy from Netflix and sewing on the buttons before going to bed. Still needs to be blocked, but I have until autumn to do that.  Knitting it has been very enjoyable, and I will likely purchase patterns from Knitting Pure & Simple again.  And I will try to get some photos of Sebastian wearing it (not easy--temperatures are in the low 90's here!) later today and put up some Ravelry notes.

With school really winding down now--Una is pretty much down to writing and pre-algebra now, and Sebastian will finish his last math quiz today--we have much more time for reading.  With our religion each morning I am reading from My Daily Bread (this for the older three children), and have started reading a book on St. Elizabeth of Hungary.  We also picked up The Bronze Bow again last week, after having abandoned and forgotten it in the early chapters.  We are really enjoying it.

I myself am still reading To Kill a Mockingbird, and wondering whether I actually did read it in high school.  I was in AP English and somehow just assumed that I had, but I can't imagine reading it and having no recollection of it.  I have a  poor memory, but I don't think it is quite as poor as all that!  Anyway, I have also picked up a biography of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, which I am reading bit-by-bit in the mornings after my prayers and daily Bible reading.  I will add a youth version of her biography to our book list, as we will be studying U.S. history in the coming year.

That's it for this week.  With so many books going at once, I am sure my reading will look pretty much the same next week and the week after, but hopefully I will have something new on the needles.

If you enjoy books and knitting--or crocheting--stop by Ginny's and join in the Yarn Along!


  1. Love Sebastian's sweater. The colours look gorgeous knitted. up. Jacinta

  2. That's a gorgeous henley! Very pretty yarn.

  3. You did a fantastic job on the henley! I am still in love with the tweed and colors.

  4. Beautiful henley -- I love the colors.

  5. Wow that Henley is seriously pretty! I love the colors and your stitches are beautiful!

  6. Way to go. Your knitting target is amazing. The yarn colour looks beautiful. I hope he enjoys wearing it!

  7. That sweater is perfect! Love the color.
    I am reading To Kill a Mockingbird right now too! It was our book club selection this past month and I lost it, but just recently found it tucked away on a shelf.


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