
Thursday, June 4, 2015

Gabriel and Fiona

Not much to say that the photos don't.  Gabriel has taken over the morning milking, to the great relief of Sebastian, who is not a morning person.  It takes a little time for a milk cow to get used to the voice and hands of her new milker, but it looks like Fiona has made the adjustment and thinks Gabe is just fine...


  1. Beautiful pictures! A wonderful life for a young boy! :)

  2. A boy and his . . . cow! Wonderful photos! Fiona looks like she has adjusted just fine; he looks happy, too.

  3. What a beautiful animal!! What a beautiful experience for your children to know the animals from whom their food comes. I think a milk-animal is the last thing we have to try. Admire the time and work and commitment they take!


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