
Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday Musings--27 October 2014--Indian Summer

Right is nearly 3 p.m.  It is a marvelous, unseasonably lovely day.  The laundry is on the line, waving like banners in the warm breeze.  Tomorrow rain is predicted, and thereafter much cooler temperatures.  But today at least there is still a little time for bare limbs, sun-dried laundry and rides around the house on the 4-wheeler.

This morning we had some problems during milking time.  The power to the pump on the milking machine kept shutting down.  Two calls to Bret to try to work it out were to no avail, so Sebastian finished the job by hand.  Lola, our calf, has been rough on Fiona's teats, and she has a number of cuts on them, but Sebastian said she tolerated it all pretty well.

Have I mentioned lately how proud I am of that boy?  No, I'm not here too often, so I'm sure I haven't.  Sebastian is 13 and has been milking our cows for 3 years.  He does it in the heat of summer and in the winter, swaddled in insulated clothing and with a cup of hot tea.  He hates it.  But he's only said so once.  Daily, but for Sundays, he goes out and milks the cow without complaint, never groaning, never griping.  When there's a problem, he tries to work it out himself before coming to me with it, not wanting to add to my workload or concerns.  I am in awe of the young man he is becoming, and I can only say this:  if you are the mother of a young boy who is a pain in the neck and who drives you to near-madness nearly daily, take heart--such a one can blossom into something totally unexpected and wonderful.  Sebastian was such a child, and now he is an absolute gem.

Some plans for this week:  I am working diligently knitting and sewing gifts for Christmas and making things for the Etsy shop.  I have plenty to do with some little pocket-sized dolls I'm making for the shop, and I have some St. Nicholas dolls to make as well.

We will be taking Friday off for a little Halloween celebration with my sister and her kids, God willing and no one gets ill between now and then.  I would like to make a bean-bag toss game for the little party and towards the end of the week we will make some treats.

I'm praying for...Olivia, the littlest one of friends, who just underwent surgery this morning to correct a kidney/bladder related problem that has sent her to the hospital a couple of times.  I'm praying for her dear mommy, too, whose eldest has diabetes and is gluten intolerant, and so the young woman has a lot on her platter!

Something that makes me smile:  the laughter of children even above the roar of an ATV motor.

I have to go put my yogurt--a gallon a week is what we go through--in the insulated cooler with a heated rice bag now, before the milk cools.

Have a great week!


  1. The kids look like they are having great fun! Sebastian sounds like a wonderful young man. We will spend Halloween trick or treating with the cousins... always a good time. The neighborhood, which is usually quite quiet, is friendly and festive. Wishing you a good week! +JMJ+

  2. A young man to be proud of! My oldest boy is 10 at the moment and a total complainer about any chores - drives me to distraction. Maybe my prayers will be answered and in three years he will be a wonderful help. I have a gorgeous Jersey girl called Izzy - don't you just love their milk?!


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