
Thursday, December 1, 2011

{pretty, happy, funny, real}: 1 December 2011

I am joining Rosie this week on Like Mother, Like Daughter, for this week's edition of {pretty, happy, funny, real}.  It's been a pretty crazy week, but not without some highlights.

This frosty morning was certainly pretty!

This guy turned 9 yesterday.  He was quite happy about it. (the birthday post will come later today, if I can find a few minutes).  Incidentally, my Goddaughter turned 1 yesterday as well!

Una was up burning the midnight oil last night, trying to finish her novel for National Novel Writing Month.  She had a last-minute technical glitch that deleted the letter "i" from her story--27,468 words long!  When I woke up this morning I found this note by the computer:

I think she's {happy}, too!  I know I am...


With all the craziness of preparing for the holidays and trying to keep a decent stock in the Etsy shop, I am also dealing with Dominic having a case of ringworm (a fungal infection, not a parasite) on his scalp.  He has a scabby bald spot and is on a toxic medicine--oh, it's driving me nuts to even think about it--and I also have an anti-fungal cream and colloidal silver to put on topically.  I hate to admit it, but I am totally grossed out by the very thought!  My thoughts are constantly on it, and I feel obsessed.  I am also itchy.  It is all in my head (not on it), but I check my scalp--and anyone I see scratching--incessantly.  I am certain the good Lord is sick of hearing me whine to Him about it, after all, it isn't leprosy, right?  Still...ick!

Aren't you glad I didn't photograph it?  A bit too real, I think!

For more {pretty, funny, happy, real}, head over to Like Mother, Like Daughter!


  1. Beautiful pictures! Your son is cute, cute, cute! And, you are so funny! I'd be weirded out, too. Have a good evening. Love and prayers, Annita +JMJ+ Oh, and Una is amazing!

  2. Those frost pictures, so surreal. Una needs a medal for her efforts. I hope she has recovered from the 'i' glich ordeal. Sweet photo of the birthday boy. I hope the ringworm is gone for good very soon! Jacinta x

  3. Your photos are lovely. Yes, thanks for sparing us that last one! :)
    And I love your header!


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