
Monday, December 5, 2011

Monday Musings--5 December 2011

Right is about 6:00 a.m., and still dark and I can hear the rain now again.  The house is quiet.  Una is already on the computer in the office working on her algebra, and Gemma has been up for the last half hour.  I hear her, too, arguing with Bret now and then (I'm sure he's telling her to go back to sleep--she crawled into bed with him!)

This weekend was...busy.  It went by so quickly that I can barely recall what I did!  I know that we did a bit of catching up in history on Friday, and worked a bit on some pocket-sized sketchbooks for the Etsy shop.

Saturday I did laundry (it was fair enough weather to hang the laundry out), made butter, baked a couple of loaves of whole wheat bread, got the little ones bathed and myself showered.  Bret took Sebastian and Gabriel out to the KY property to work a bit on the house.  In the evening we had beef and bean burritos for dinner and watched Singing in the Rain from Netflix.  My kids love watching tap dancers...!

Yesterday we went to Mass at the Fathers of Mercy.  We didn't stay long after, as I had a few things to pick up in Bowling Green after Mass.  Bret drove us out to the building site so I could see how our home is progressing--and it was great.  There is still so very much to be done, as it isn't even dried in yet, but it was fun to go around to the exterior window cut-outs and look at the view from each one.  When we finally got home, we changed clothes, tidied up a bit, and then spent the evening relaxing and enjoying some Advent sweets.  I worked on some Christmas knitting.

Some plans for the week:  bills to pay today, some Etsy orders to mail out, laundry to fold, school to teach (in this busy season we tend to focus more on religion, history and art), cookie dough to make up and put in the freezer for some last-minute baking, and of course tonight is the vigil of the Feast of St. Nicholas!  I have to get out my little St. Nicholas and the kids all need to clean their boots in preparation.  Tonight I will read to them about the kind bishop from this fantastic site.  I would love to finish those sketchbooks for the shop and get them listed this week, too.  Oh, and the boys really, really need haircuts.  Professional haircuts.  Oh, yes--and Thursday is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, so we will be going to Mass.

I am grateful, friends, faith. The fact that Dominic's ringworm [UGH!] seems to be improving she writes, scratching herself instinctively; slow but steady sales in the Etsy shop; my family's health; countless other blessings from above.

Prayer intentions for this week:  favorable test results for my dad, who had an MRI on Friday and who will have an EEG today; for a barber who will be willing to touch Dominic's head and give him a nice cut that will at least minimize his bald patch; for the energy and time to accomplish my gift-making and shop-stocking!

Something that makes me smile:  this, um, vehicle parked outside the Big Lots store in Bowling Green...

Please feel free to grab the header image to use for your own Monday Musings post.  Link back here, if you would, and if you wish, leave a comment with a link to your post.  Have a great week!


  1. Thanks for the link to that website. It sounds so cozy and homey when you talk of making butter and baking bread! We'll be doing a little baking today after we finish up a few things for school. Wishing you a healthy, happy week! Love, Annita +JMJ+

  2. I. Want. One. Who in the heck really drives one of those?

  3. Thanks for the link.
    LOL - wonder who was driving!!
    Weekday blessings,


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