
Friday, November 4, 2011

{this moment}: he's not happy

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.  Hosted by SouleMama.


  1. Oh my... what a touching photo... hope that sadness was short-lived

  2. Poor litte guy! I see that look here too and now just laugh!
    Have a great weekend.

  3. He is such a sweetie. Have a beautiful weekend. Jacinta x

  4. Is he upset or bored? Great photo!

  5. I'm sure it was short lived, usually something grabs there attention or I hope it was too :)

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Almost There - This Moment

  6. Poor guy (but great photo.)
    I hope you have a great weekend!

  7. Oh no! What happened?! Hope all turned out OK in the end!

    Due to the crazy October Nor'easter that arrived last weekend (I still can't believe we had snow already!) we lost power for a couple of days and had lots of tree limbs down so trick or treat was postponed in our town for safety reasons. Our town held it last night and our moment comes from that. Nothing like trick-or-treating with your best friend!

    Have a great weekend!

  8. Awww...for some reason this reminds me of Huckleberry Finn (minus the overalls) ;-) Thanks for sharing. --Jaime

  9. He was just sulking while I was hanging out laundry (yep, I take my camera with me whenever I go out!)because he wanted to put on a video and I told him it was a lovely day and he should find something to do outside!

    Within a few minutes he was on the swing set, swinging and singing...

  10. He's adorable... that's what he is!

  11. that is a lovely photo. I read your about me and I am so very happy to have met you.
    looking forward to reading more
    I found you though Soulemama
    our moment

  12. Fabulous shot! So much classic little boyness captured - the jeans, the feet, the tee, the hair...As you know my littlest boy is 18 (sniff). And I have to start carrying my camera more - just the other day I saw a blue heron looking for breakfast and wished for it. Do you carry it somehow or just wear it around your neck all day?

  13. he may not be happy, but he does look really cute!!


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