
Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday Musings--24 October 2011

Right is 5:15.  I have been up since 4:10 a.m., when Gemma awoke the second time needing a heating pad for her ankles.  For three nights now she has awakened a couple of times per night with cramping in her ankles.  Likely "growing pains", but I have never had a child so young suffer them.  She has a check-up on Wednesday, so we shall see.  In the meantime, my brain is turning to mush...

This weekend...was quite active.  On Friday I cleaned windows for the first time since early spring, and now I am obsessed with keeping them clean.  Really, I need a holster to keep the glass cleaner on me.  Then I finished my watercolor leaves and put them up.  I still have a few autumn crafts left to do, and with luck I will get them done before winter.  I also cut binder's board to size for the watercolor sketchbooks I am making for the Etsy shop

On Saturday I spent the morning making butter, cleaning out a closet and cooking.  I made pulled pork sandwiches and cole slaw for dinner, and then made chili to put in the crock pot for Sunday.  It's really nice to come home after Mass with the house smelling warm and spicy.  And I finished a sleeve on Gemma's cardigan.

Yesterday we went to the Chapel of Divine Mercy for Mass, and all of us made it to confession.  Gemma was quite good and didn't need to be taken out at all (she is entering the Temperamental Twos and can sometimes be quite vocal), so that was very nice.  At home I made a double batch of buttermilk cornbread to go with the chili, and I finished knitting Gemma's cardigan!  Just need to weave in loose ends, sew on buttons (if I have some!), figure out how to deal with two button holes I don't want and then block it.

Some plans for this week:  I still have Una's Christmas cardigans near completion and Gabe's to lengthen the sleeves on, and I hope to have them finished by the end of the week, although that may be a little overly optimistic.  I also have things to make for the Etsy shop (the watercolor sketchbooks among them).  I want to clean the woodwork in the house and have Bret dust all the ceiling fans (he takes that on as his bi-annual job).  And I need to come up with the clues to our annual Halloween Treasure Hunt.

If I find some time for myself, I would like to...finish some half-done autumn crafts I have in my workroom.

I am grateful for...friends far and near; the truly glorious autumn weather we have been enjoying; the sacrament of confession; home schooling.

Some special prayer intentions for this week:  For Jonathan; for Bret's health and strength as the framing of the new Patch O' Dirt Farm begins at the end of this month; for a few small jobs to come in for Bret, things he can squeeze in with the building of the house; for Ginny and Silas.

Something that makes me smile: Dominic teasing one of our child-friendly priests after Mass:  "Hey, Faddah, why are you wearing a dress?" (honestly, this kid had never seen a priest in anything but a cassock until we had a few over for dinner!).  And this--excuse the lower half unencumbered by clothing.  It is so hard to keep clothes on this one; every time I turn my back, she takes something off!) :

Please feel free to grab the header image for your own Monday Musings.  Link back here, if you would, and if you wish, leave a comment here so that others can find your post.  Have a blessed week!


  1. I'm living in a perpetual state of brain mush too - I hope you get a good night's sleep soon!
    Joining in the morning fun:

  2. I love coming home from a soccer game to chili in the crock pot! I've been after David to clean our ceiling fans, especially before his parents come for Thanksgiving. I'm very allergic to dust mites, and they get so dusty, I don't dare. Prayers for Miss Gemma! Wishing you a good week... God bless!

  3. The butter making, the buttermilk cornbread baking...much of your weekend was wonderful work in the kitchen.

  4. JMJ

    Just wanted to tell you that I noticed the new profile picture and I love it!!!!!! God bless.

    Love and prayers,

  5. Gemma and my Miss Sunshine would be great friends.


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