
Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday Musings--10 October 2011

Right now....after 8 a.m.  Kids have had breakfast and I need to get moving!

This weekend...was fun, but utterly exhausting!  We were out just about all day, every day.  On Friday we ran our errands, and there were many.  Post office, dropping off a cutlass to a local Etsy customer, thrift stores, shoe stores, grocery shopping.  We left the house after 9 a.m. and didn't get home until 4:30 p.m.  Our main mission was to find some dress shoes for Una to wear to Mass this fall and winter, and we failed.  Still asking St. Anthony to help us find a pair!

On Saturday we left the house again at about 9:30, and, stopping at another thrift shop along the way, went to Red Boiling Springs for "How Dey Do Dat? Day"  And I can tell you (as soon as you've stopped laughing) that it was a really nice event.  It is held at an old farm, and folks come out to demonstrate their skills in various occupations and crafts.  There were woodworkers, a potter, a beekeeper, a blacksmith, a basket weaver, a quilter and a lovely family showing off their sweet sheep and selling their home-canned preserves, breads and herbs.  There was a group of musicians, mostly octogenarians, playing bluegrass musing in front of "Grandpa's House", which is the older farmhouse, converted into a gift shop of hand crafted items.  I haven't finished editing the photos, but I will try to do a post with some shots tomorrow.

Yesterday afternoon we went to a Fatima Festival, celebrating a bit early the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima, which is actually Thursday.  A family hosted it on their farm, and there was a nice turn out.  There were several priests from The Fathers of Mercy, plus the pastor of St. Mary's Catholic Church in Franklin, KY, and the pastor of St. Joseph's in Central City, KY.  There were prayers and hymns, and a crowning of Mary, followed by a bonfire and cookout.  We didn't stay for the hayride, much to the children's disappointment.  I have photos to edit for that, too.

Some plans for this week:  Continuing with the Changing of the Wardrobe, I have the little boy's clothing to do next.  Luckily, we have been enjoying some very warm, sunny weather, so that I have had a little extra time.  I am planning to get some work done on the watercolor sketchbooks for the Etsy shop (hoping to finish them by the end of this month); planning to get close to finishing at least Una's cardigan and hoping to wash my windows...the actual To Do List is much, much longer, but also very dull and full of menial stuff.

If I find some time for myself, I would like to...use the bathroom without trying to multi-task at the same time  Try to make some headway on the many Etsy/birthday/Christmas projects that I have going, which I try to squeeze in between school and household stuff.

I am grateful in the pantry and a roof over our heads, no major health problems and our Catholic faith..  Sometimes you have to look at the Big Picture and stop sweating all the relatively small stuff.

Some prayer intentions for the week:  for the soul of my paternal grandfather, who would have been 91 today, and for my grandma Fran, who misses him; for our friend Dale, who has a birthday this week; for work for Bret (it's never a good time to be broke, but it always makes you a bit more anxious before the holidays!); for health and happiness for all our family.

Something that makes me smile:  This little guy we saw on use of his hind legs, but happy as could be with his little wheels!

As always, you are welcome to borrow the header for your own Monday Musings.  If you wish, you cans leave a link to your Musings post in the comments here.  Happy Columbus Day, and have a great week.


  1. I hear you on the bathroom situation!

    The "How dey do dat? Day" sounds wonderful. I love seeing and hearing live music, especially bluegrass!

    I participated today in Monday Musings, my link is here:

  2. Sounds like a marvelous weekend! My daddy's birthday would have been today... maybe you could pray for the repose of his soul as well. We'll be making the drive up to his grave site on Wednesday to put out an autumn floral arrangement and pray the rosary. Hope your week is as happy as your weekend... maybe less tiring, though! :) God bless you, my friend! +JMJ+

  3. The dog is cute! Your weekend sounds busy but fun.


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