
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

After dinner when the shadows grow long


  1. My son would drool at those photos of your sons...he's been asking for a brother lately and I've explained that he would have to take what he gets...he finally did the math and knows he'd truly be outnumbered if he were to get ANOTHER sister. But oh, I'd love him to have a brother, too. Love these late-evening get-the-last-wiggles-out play sessions. Wonderful captures of a fleeting moment.

  2. It seems like just yesterday my kids were frolicking in the evening sun. But in reality they are all grown men and women now. Thanks for sharing your really brightened my morning.

  3. Happiness! You are truly blessed! +JMJ+

  4. My favorite time of the day!

  5. So beautiful. I love the light at the end of the day and how it turns everything it shines on into gold. I love how all your children look like they have golden halos. Jacinta


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