
Thursday, August 25, 2011

{pretty, happy, funny, real}: 25 August 2011

~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~

Good morning!  I am joining Rosie over at Like Mother, Like Daughter for this week's {pretty, happy, funny, real}.  I love using the camera to chronicle bits and pieces of my life, and so am happy for any opportunity to share my pictures with others.

Una has been really enjoying photography lately, and Gemma is her favorite subject and most willing model.  She has posted some of her most recent shots of Gemma on her blog right here.  I think she is doing some nice stuff for being only twelve years old!  This is one of my favorites. we go with the sunrise again.  I just happen to have a thing for the sky..

The Mennonites near us are selling these for $1 for six!  We purchased 18!  I love them fresh and I know they freeze rather well, but does anyone have some other ideas?  

Captain Dominic and his motley crew.

I am afraid I can't show you the {real} this week, unless you want to see photos of tick bites on myself and all the kids.  Do you know that ticks have a knack for biting you in the most inaccessible places, usually those which you cannot scratch in public?  We have had the worst deer tick season since we moved here going on 9 years ago.  I am only thankful that Lyme Disease is a relatively rare thing in our part of the country (I did check the CDC figures).  Anyway, Bret has treated the yard twice now, and I think we are finally getting a grip on the situation. 

If you would like to see what's been {pretty, happy, funny, real} with other bloggers this week, stop by Like Mother, Like Daughter.


  1. I'd definitely roast those red peppers. We would not have any left over, but if you did I know they can be in jars in olive oil for a long time.

  2. Lovely photos! Those peppers would make me very happy too :) Enjoy!

  3. Those peppers are making my mouth water!
    Have you tried a stuffed pepper recipe? Here's mine:

  4. Your daughter DOES do a good job-that first picture is lovely! I have dehydrated red peppers, and then used them in soups in the winter. Hope your ticks are gone soon!

  5. Our area is not known for Lyme either, yet two members of my family have fallen ill with it - one SERIOUS. BE AWARE. It is extremely difficult to treat if it goes to long. Watch for the bulls eye rash.

  6. Those peppers look lovely. I'd roast and put them oil too. The ones I grow never make the red stage :(

    We used to have problems with ticks when we lived in Italy. Mainly on the dogs, but occassionally they would attach themselves to us. Became a dab hand at pulling them off and not leaving the heads. Sorry probably TMI!

    Beautiful dress. Did you make it?

  7. Beautiful photos, all of them!
    I second the roasting idea - or grilling. Yum!

  8. I am really leaning toward the fire-roasting and marinating for the peppers, if they make it that far, since I have been eating them just sliced and raw!

    I didn't make Gemma's dress. It's cute, isn't it?

    As for Lyme Disease, oh, please don't say that, Karen! It has been scaring me senseless worrying about it! I think I will have Bret treat the yard a third time--and then live in fear that the children will be poisoned if they go out barefoot for the rest of the summer!

  9. Una has taken beautiful pictures! And, Miss Gemma is a beautiful model! +JMJ+

  10. Gemma's dress is adorable! I love the motley Pirate crew. Our kids discovered "Penzance" this summer and it's been Pirates all the way!

  11. I love the picture of Gemma. It's beautiful, Una did a wonderful job. Also Dominic and his motley crew is fantastic. All those kids having fun using their imaginations, wonderful. I saw your pintrest thing, I've actually used the tutorial to make roman shades out of mini blinds and they turned out really cute. I used a set of mini blinds that our cats had broken a few of the slats on and an old bedsheet that matched the bedding on Allyson's bed. It turned out really well.

  12. Thanks, Casey!
    I have been living with hated miniblinds for years, and I am hoping, when our new house is built, to convert at leas a few of them to shades. I'm glad someone has tried this and succeeded!

  13. Oh now i am worried that those horrid little ticks are more than just an itchy nuisance... may the cold come quickly enough to end their season swiftly.
    I will keep a keen eye on the nasty little things on this side of the globe. Our season is just starting and fingers crossed none of the paralyis type show up on us or our cat.


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