
Thursday, August 18, 2011

{pretty, funny, happy, real}: 18 August 2011

Back again this week, joining Rosie over at Like Mother, Like Daughter

 Nuala, our Jersey.  I do think that Jerseys are lovely.  

Here she is with her granddaughter, Fiona, and the goat, Ruthie Weedeater.  I find watching them  lying about or listening to their cowbells very pleasant.  I'm sure my blood pressure drops a few notches when I take a moment to look out at scenes like this...

My biggest {happy} this week wasn't photographed.  Gemma had a follow-up at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital in Diagnostic Imaging so that they could try to find her left kidney (they were so good-they never told me that they couldn't find it six weeks ago, only that they wanted to get a better look at her kidneys and that they had trouble getting a good look at the left one!  Spared me six weeks of agony...)  Anyway, they located it.  They specialist said that she has two healthy kidneys, only that they are arranged a bit differently, with both of them being pretty much on the right side and connected by a bridge.  He said that it shouldn't cause her any problems.  And that makes me very {happy} indeed.  

Easy summer lunches make me happy.

Painting outdoors makes him happy.

The guy in the white shirt wiping peanut butter off his fingers?  I'm married to him.  It is his birthday today, and later he will be wiping chocolate peanut-butter cheesecake off his lips!

You know those biodegradable packing peanuts?  The ones that stick together when you lick them?  This is what Sebastian and Gabriel did with a box of them.  Yes, it kept them busy for about 45 minutes, but is it art?

Dominic usually talks a blue streak--and laughs, and sings, and shouts--in the van.  Then from one moment to the next he is quiet, and you look back, and he is asleep, just like that.

Sebastian found this tiny skull and thought it to be that of a mouse, but it doesn't have really large rodent-like incisors.  I'm not sure what it is...shrew?  The detail is amazing in any case.

Well, that's it for this week!  To see more {pretty, happy, funny, real}, go visit Like Mother, Like Daughter!


  1. fabulous pictures. And what wonderful news!
    Happy birthday to your DH!

  2. Loved the picture of you goat and cows! And your happy news is wonderful, so glad all is well with your daughter! I would say the packing peanut sculpture is art, it is very creative!

  3. This post had a light-hearted feel to it. Yay for Gemma... so glad everything is okay! Happy birthday to your husband... I love peanutbutter and chocolate... yum! Great pictures, great post. +JMJ+

  4. I agree that Jerseys are such pretty cows! I love the pictures of the cows and the goat. The photos are soothing to me.

  5. Yea! I'm not the only person serving fruit and popcorn for lunch!

  6. I found your rodent skull photo while looking for something to do with rodents. Without see int the teeth it would be hard to identify, as well as having a size marker near it like a penny. However if you would like to post a few more photos of it I would be glad to identify it for your little one.


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