
Thursday, July 28, 2011

{pretty, happy, funny, real}} 28 July 2011

I am joining Leila this week at Like Mother, Like Daughter, for {pretty, happy, funny, real}.  But no {funny} this week!  How did that happen with four boys and a toddler in the house?  I was obviously not spending enough time hanging out with them!


Una gets to claim credit for spotting this week's {pretty} when she was going out to do chores.  This lovely was sitting on our glass door.  I recently bought some saltwater taffy from Trader Joe's in Nashville, and this was the color of the Strawberry-Banana.

The nice thing about it landing on the glass door was that I was able to get this shot of the underside of this pretty little moth.  Isn't it sweet?  Makes me want to purchase yarn in these colors and knit a sweater.

 Gemma's first watercolor.  To her credit, she stayed on the paper and only ruined one brush with all the rubbing.  She has not yet discovered face painting, like Ginny's Bea.  I await that particular epiphany with trepidation. name is Nadja, and I'm a Composition Book addict.  Seriously, when these babies go on sale at Wal-Mart, I've been known to pick up a dozen.  Ostensibly for my children's use, but I part with them only very reluctantly.  They are my hoard.  Even I only rarely pull one out to use; after all, writing in it will sully the beautiful, clean paper.  I enjoy the unrealized potential much more than the actual use...

As I said above, I missed the {funny} shots this week, probably because I have been spending a lot of time getting Dominic's birthday present ready for next week.  I won't give it away here, but I will tell you that it--and it is sort of a collective "it" will be hand made and is rather involved.  

One {funny} I can tell you about is Gemma imitating her brothers in super-hero capes.  She will drape one on like and oversized bib and run around saying, "Soup-Maaaan!".  Either she is attempting "Superman" or the bibbed character is actually a peddling soup.

Too real. Living in the country means living with a constant onslaught of little beastly invaders.  We happen to have ants, brown recluse spiders and mice.  I have seen evidence of the almost annual mouse invasion in my kitchen cabinets lately (chewed labels on bottles, droppings (oh, shudder!), but yesterday Una said she actually saw a mouse on the counter early in the morning.  So here we go again.  I don't like mice in my kitchen, but I have had some pretty bad dead-mouse experiences, too.  I just don't want to think about it.

Visit Leila this week at Like Mother, Like Daughter, for {pretty, happy, funny, real}, and join the fun!


  1. Mice...shudder. My husband was putting out traps nightly and catching on average two per night. It's an old country house and I'm sure there are plenty of little holes whereby those devils sneak in. We finally brought one of the kittens of our outdoor cat indoors to train. I had to make room for the dreaded litter box (less dreaded now that my youngest is almost 5), but we're hoping it's all worth it if he's a good hunter.

  2. That moth is just amazing! What colors!
    I love notebooks too, so many possibilities :)

  3. Mice! Ugh! We had a rat run through our backyard one time that was as big as a cat. My husband shot it easily from our deck with a BB gun it was so big. (I guess it came from the farm that was behind our house?) Honestly, though, I would be more freaked out by the brown recluse spiders!

    Gemma is BEAUTIFUL! +JMJ+

  4. I can relate to the mice. It's a constant battle in my house, also!

    Beautiful moth! I didn't know they could look like that.

    I'm Linny, and I'm a composition notebook hoarder, too. I write in them every day. I write down Bible verses I want to remember, my thoughts on them, other things I hear in every day life, or sometimes just vent. I also decorate them with wrapping paper and put quotes on them or stickers or pictures of things I like. I also use them when I substitute and take notes throughout the day so that if I learn something new, I can remember it or on the chance that I sub for that teacher again.

  5. Sadly living in the middle of the city doesn't mean you get to forgo the beasties. We don't have any deer eating the garden, but we have plenty of brown recluses, mice, and even once a garter snake in the house (and rats in our detached garage, once). Blech.

  6. I was facinated by the moth. Went on a search and found this.
    Greenstriped Mapleworm (Dryocamma rubicunda)
    This is also known as the rosy maple moth and has a wingspread of 1.5 to two inches. The forewings are rose-red crossed by a broad pale yellow band. The body is yellow with the underside and legs rose-red.
    Enjoy your blog. Avaril

  7. Thank you, Avaril! I had meant to look it up on What's That Bug (on my list of homeschool links) but hadn't gotten around to it yet...

  8. hey! i bought that same bag of saltwater taffys this week at trader joes! it was so cute and old fashioned looking. but did you ever figure out which one was watermelon? for the life of me i could not. and then they all sort of started tasting the same!

    and that moth is definitely the same color as the strawberry banana! what an interesting looking creature. i've never seen a moth in those colors before!

    gemma is so stinkin' cute. she is getting so big. looks like a little lady with all that hair!

    rats....ewwwwww!!! can't even think about them without getting chills!!!

  9. What a beautiful insect! It does make one think of yarn, and knitting.

    I think your composition books qualify as a {funny} - assuredly.

  10. That moth has got to be the most gorgeous yucky bug I've ever seen. I thought you had felted some type of window decoration or something.

  11. I am so glad that I'm not the only one who hoards composition notebooks. I love the ones that Target had on sale last week for 30 cents each in all the bright colors. I think I hoard most school supplies, though this is our first year homeschooling and we only have one at home this first year, we will be well stocked (read overstocked) with papers and pencils and notebooks.


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