
Thursday, July 14, 2011

{pretty, happy, funny, real}: 14 July 2011

Hello!  I am joining Suki this week at Like Mother, Like Daughter for another edition of {pretty, happy, funny, real}.  I love looking at photos, and I love sharing mine.

This week my sister's cat, Milo, wins this category hands--or paws--down.  By the way, could you say a little prayer for Suzy Q's Florence?  Her Persian kitty escaped the house while they were having their carpets cleaned, and they are very worried  and praying for her return.

 Gemma is two years old today!  She make me very happy.  And babies make her very, very happy.

 Finding a nice 4-leaf clover made this guy happy.  He and Una find them all the time.  I am 47 and have yet to find one.  Still, looking at this face, I can't help but feel lucky myself.

 My nephew and brother-in-law.  Actually, my brother-in-law is much better looking in person.   Going to my sister's is always fun, in part because her sons love to dress up, and they have quite the array of costumes, masks and wigs, and the kids spend most of the time trying things on .  

Yes, that's a pipe in Dominic's mouth.  He looks pensive, don't you think?

Yes, it is yet another shot of Dominic passed out on the floor, this time while holding a video.  I have a collection of "Dominic Unconscious" photos.

I do not know why Adrian decided to color in his toenails with a pencil.  I have got to find some more constructive means of keeping him occupied...


Sebastian and Gabe's room...on a good day.  I have a love/hate relationship with Legos.

And that's it for this week's {pretty, happy, funny, real}.  For more, head over to Like Mother, Like Daughter!


  1. Oh I feel for you with the Legos! That is one freaky mask too! All of these pictures have a backstory which makes them extra fun!

  2. Happy birthday Miss Gemma!

    My love-hate relationship is "only" Mega Blocks but I'm sure in a few years it will become Legos. Where would be be without them? :)

  3. Oh the legos! That looks so familiar!

    It was fun seeing your pictures (especially the mask!)and a very Happy Birthday to your little girl!

  4. Great pictures! Happy b-day, Gemma! Legos, Legos, Legos... everywhere Legos! I've been stepping on those darn things for more than 20 years! ;)

    P.S. I hope to get to the P.O. tomorrow!

  5. 4 leaf clover? wow!

    I am new to your blog and I'm reading back through it. Very nice to 'meet' you. I live in Georgia and we are hoping to have our own 'patch of dirt' someday soon too. (are y'all in middle/east tenn.? I'm from that area, just beautiful!)

  6. We haven't moved onto Legos yet, we still have Duplos (and Trio blocks too) but that is not a completely unfamiliar sight. Boys love building though... I just try to ignore it when I walk by their play area! =)

  7. The legos are a big deal in my house too. Here's a tip for easy pickup. Spread out a large sheet and have them dump and play on sheet. When finished simply gather all the corners/sides of sheet and dump back into bin. It has saved the kids many HOURS of clean up.

  8. Happy Birthday, dear sweet Gemma! Such a big girl! Enjoy your special day! (and don't sweat the Legos, mama - I haven't stepped on a Lego in years, sniff sniff - someday you, too, will have clean floors!)

  9. ditto the love-hate legos feelings...i have a bunch spread out all over the place as i bed...the kitchen seems like i can't go anywhere without stepping on one!

    happy birthday sweet gemma girl.
    2 years? really? where does the time go? i still remember when you were expecting her! *sniff* sniff*
    perhaps you need a sweet song played by a harmonica to soothe your soul?
    xo to you, friend.
    hope you are surviving summer!

  10. Happy Birthday, Gemma! It seems like yesterday it was just her first birthday.

    Do you have a favorite recipe for honeyed figs? I am all about trying that.

  11. Hey, how did you sneak in my house and take a picture of my boy's room? :p

    thankfully legos are so well documented, can you imagine what the archeology digs are going to be like in 1000 years? Legos everywhere...


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