
Monday, July 4, 2011

Monday Musings--4 July 2011

Right now...happy Fourth of July!  This morning we had quite a thunder storm.  It is about 1:30 right now.  Gemma is asleep and the kids are all more or less quietly occupied.  This morning I have done laundry, made butter and created patterns for a doll high chair and cradle for Gemma's birthday on the 14th.  Yes, we are cutting it close!  I based the patterns on some designs I found on the internet and liked.  Bret is going to make them from pine.

This weekend...was really nice and relaxing for the most part.  On Friday I encouraged the boys to check out the blackberries down by the pond, and they obliged me and brought back a quart, from which I made a blackberry cobbler for dessert.  In the evening, Bret took all the kids but Gemma to a Baptist church in Scottsville where they put on a really nice fireworks display in anticipation of Independence Day.  There were those inflatable castles for the kids, a puppet show, a band playing, and free watermelon, hot dogs, snow cones and bottled water.  They had a great time and came home at about 9:30.  Gemma and I read books and watched YouTube videos of babies (she is baby obsessed).

Saturday was busy, but not crazy-busy.  Just the usual:  laundry, making butter, bathing kids and so forth.  Bret spent the day on the KY property.  He has to put aside house-building and build a shop so that he has a place to put tools and store materials for the new house.  So that has been what he's been doing up there.

Yesterday was relaxing.  The Mass was quite lovely and at home the little guys played outside for a while, then at some point Bret, Una and Sebastian were all reading, Gabriel and Dominic were drawing and Adrian and Gemma were out in front of the house playing together.  I did some knitting.  It was very quiet in the house for a change!  We ended the evening watching the last two episodes of Lark Rise to Candleford.  I am so sorry to be at the end of it!

Some plans for this week:  well, tonight we will likely grill some burgers and  hot dogs and sit out watching the neighbors' fireworks (I am glad they are far enough away that I need not worry too much about stray sparks!).  Tomorrow we will have a light day of school and I am hoping to do a bit of lesson planning.  It seems that lesson and menu planning are on my To Do list every week and always get bumped to the next day's list--and the next, and the next.  Like washing my floors.  On Wednesday we will be going into Nashville to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital where Gemma and Adrian have appointments.  Thursday and Friday?  I really can't seem to think that far ahead these days, but I really need to make some pesto and freeze it.  I am on the last two portions of the pesto I made last summer.

If I find some time for myself, I want to...knit on the sweater that was supposed to be Gabriel's, but is looking a bit smallish.  I also would really like to sew a 3-tiered skirt for Una, and if there is enough stuff left over, do a matching one for Gemma.

I am grateful for...the beautiful, steady rain this morning, which left behind a cooler and freshly washed landscape; a husband who can make the things that I can only design; quiet times in the house; banana-berry smoothies.

Some prayer intentions for this week:  for Abby Claire, who turns three tomorrow; for Wednesday's trip into Nashville and appointments to go well; for the time and energy needed to get going on those lesson and menu plans (when all I want to do is read and knit and craft with the kids!); for peace and joy in my home.

Something that makes me smile:  kids cooling off in the water sprinkler!

Here is wishing you a great week ahead!


  1. Happy 4th! My dad's wife sent us home with 2 quarts of blueberries from her yard last Friday, so we had blueberry cobbler today. Yum!

    Prayers for Gemma and Adrian. I have a little something for Miss Gemma that I hope to get to the P.O. tomorrow or maybe Wednesday. Please let me know how things go Wednesday! +JMJ+

  2. Hi! Could you share the recipe for pesto? I didn't cross my mind that I could freeze pesto...

  3. Hi! Can you share the recipe for pesto? It never crossed my mind that you could freeze pesto...

  4. Will try to do so, although my pesto is sort of a "wing-it" recipe. As for freezing it, all I do is leave out the parmesan cheese and freeze portions (about 1/2 cup) in ziplock baggies or plastic baby food containers.


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